did you told her that you're sorry for being a bad Rock'n'Roll cliché ?

2010. június 27., vasárnap

Death Note Quotes (angol) xD

*L takes a picture of B*
L: Here let me show you your picture. I forget which direction the new photos button is on this camera so if you see a picure of a red panda that's not you.
B: Note to self: I am not a red panda.


Light: *looking intently at his shoe* Usually you see brand names all over this shit.
B: What are you doing?
Light: I'm checking my shoe for brand names.
B: Do I need to say how crazy that sounds?
Light: I need to find a company to invest in. Maybe I can invest in Taco Bell.
B: No you should invest in Jack-in-the-Box you can never go wrong with Jack-in-the-crack. And Jack has this evil brother named Jake and we're solid. We're like this!*crosses fingers*


L: Why do you get coke and I get Dr. Pepper?
Light: there's more Dr. Pepper than Coke.
L: you're soo~ mean to me.
Light: I’d give you mine but I farted in the bottle. but I could still give it to you.
L: Aww you collected your farts in a bottle for me. And it’s the only thing you have I think I shall keep you that much longer.
Light: God damn it.


L: Hey Light it's your turn to drag the trashcan to the curb.
Light: WHAT? I don't even live here!


Watari: Why did you bring your shoes if you were'nt going to wear them?
L: So people wouldn't think I was homeless.
Light: So, you live in your shoes?


B: What is Near really?
L: He’s a Walloonian.
B: Where the fuck did you get a Walloon?
L: From Walloonia of course.


Light: *taps his foot*
L: Stop that.
Light: *Stops for a moment then continues doing it*
L: Stop it or I’m not letting you have anymore of my Poptarts.
Light: *Stops for a moment takes a bite of said Poptart and continues taping*
L: Stop it or I’ll steal your favorite pen and hide it. And you wont be able to find it. You know why? because it’ll be in your ass.
Light: *Stops tapping*


B: I think that’s supposed to be a ‘Y’ not and ‘ie’ I think ‘ie’ is only if there’s an ‘s’ at the end of it.
L: But it looks better with the ‘ie’.
B: The ‘ie’ looks more femine. Because the ‘Y is like *deep voice* “Whhhyyyyyyy?” While the ‘ie’ is like *high pitched voice and gay hand motions* “IIIIIIIII~EEEEE~”


B: What if L had been named a different letter like J. *puts fingers in a J shape*
Naomi: The J is facing the wrong way.
B: Or what about I. I works on either hand. *Makes I shape with index finger*
Naomi: But in sign language this is an I. *Puts pinky finger up*
B: Well this is also an I. *Flips Naomi off*


B: Marshmellows would be more fun to eat if they screamed when you bit into them...


B: See I didnt know that there were actual gay sheep in some parts of the world. I thought the term for gay sheep literaly came from Near. I thought he was THE gay sheep.
B:... he's standing right behind me isn't he?

tök aranyosak >_> xDD

az első is kurva aranyos meg az utolsóelötti <333
